What is a Mamography?
A mamography is the best technique for the diagnosis of the breast for women over 35 years of age. It is an X-ray of the breast, where the image produced helps to detect alterations. This exam is very useful, more so ever in breasts with high levels of fat and in breasts of ladies in their post menopause. Many advances have occured in the Mamography exams in the last few years. Because of this, we can detect small nodules, that many times are not discovered by touching, with a very low level of radiation, making it harmless for the patients. The Mamography is the best exam to detect cancer of the breast in the early stages..
The importance of the exam
The majority of doctors asks for the Mamography so that we can detect any problem with the breasts in adequate time for cure.
One in every ten women will develop breast cancer in their lives!
X-ray of the normal breast
The need for a mamography depends on your age, symptoms and medical history. The mamography is not recommended in young women, unless they show symptoms or have a history of cancer in the family.
DON´T FORGET! The mamography is the only exam which can detect breast cancer in the beginning!
Ultrasound scan of the abdomen
This exam utilizes ultrasound waves to obtain images of the abdominal organs, such as the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, pancreas, spleen and all the other organs inside the abdomen.
Before the Exam
It is best to book your exam for the week after your period, when the breasts are less sensitive.
If you have a previous Mamography, don´t forget to take it on the day of the exam, for comparison.
Don´t use creams, talcum powders or deodorants on the day of your exam.
For your security and in order to obtain better results with the exam, please inform the doctor or technician:
if you suspect that you are pregnant
if you have implants in your breasts
if you have scars on your breasts
if you have already made a biopsy or any surgery on your breasts
if you are breastfeeding
During the exam
The technician will help to position your breast over the support, so that the images can be taken. The exam may be a little uncomfortable, since there is the need to compress the breast for a good resolution of the exam. You must hold your breath for some seconds while the technician presses the button to take the picture. The same procedure will be undertaken in both breasts.
Breast cancer is curable … As long as it is detected in the beginning!